Renders a button that toggles a state.
Use this component to switch a feature or setting on or off, for example to toggle dark mode or mute/unmute sound.
See also button/1
, button_link/1
, and disclosure_button/1
With a Phoenix.LiveView.JS
<.toggle_button on_click={JS.push("toggle-mute")} pressed={@muted}>
The button state is conveyed via the aria-pressed
attribute and the button
styling. The button text should not change depending on the state. You may
however include an icon that changes depending on the state.
A toggle button can be identified with an attribute selector for the
// any toggle button regardless of state
button[aria-pressed] {}
// unpressed toggle buttons
button[aria-pressed="false"] {}
// pressed toggle buttons
button[aria-pressed="true"] {}
<div> <.toggle_button on_click={%JS{} |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-on-default") |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-off-default") } > click me </.toggle_button> <div id="indicator-on-default" hidden>on</div> <div id="indicator-off-default">off</div> </div>
<.toggle_button disabled on_click={%JS{ops: []}}> click me </.toggle_button>
<div> <.toggle_button variant="primary" on_click={%JS{} |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-on-variant") |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-off-variant") } > primary </.toggle_button> <.toggle_button variant="secondary" on_click={%JS{} |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-on-variant") |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-off-variant") } > secondary </.toggle_button> <.toggle_button variant="info" on_click={%JS{} |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-on-variant") |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-off-variant") } > info </.toggle_button> <.toggle_button variant="success" on_click={%JS{} |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-on-variant") |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-off-variant") } > success </.toggle_button> <.toggle_button variant="warning" on_click={%JS{} |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-on-variant") |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-off-variant") } > warning </.toggle_button> <.toggle_button variant="danger" on_click={%JS{} |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-on-variant") |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-off-variant") } > danger </.toggle_button> <div id="indicator-on-variant" hidden>on</div> <div id="indicator-off-variant">off</div> </div>
<div> <.toggle_button size="small" on_click={%JS{} |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-on-size") |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-off-size") } > small </.toggle_button> <.toggle_button size="normal" on_click={%JS{} |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-on-size") |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-off-size") } > normal </.toggle_button> <.toggle_button size="medium" on_click={%JS{} |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-on-size") |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-off-size") } > medium </.toggle_button> <.toggle_button size="large" on_click={%JS{} |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-on-size") |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-off-size") } > large </.toggle_button> <div id="indicator-on-size" hidden>on</div> <div id="indicator-off-size">off</div> </div>
<div> <.toggle_button fill="solid" on_click={%JS{} |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-on-fill") |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-off-fill") } > solid </.toggle_button> <.toggle_button fill="outline" on_click={%JS{} |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-on-fill") |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-off-fill") } > outline </.toggle_button> <.toggle_button fill="text" on_click={%JS{} |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-on-fill") |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-off-fill") } > text </.toggle_button> <div id="indicator-on-fill" hidden>on</div> <div id="indicator-off-fill">off</div> </div>
<div> <.toggle_button shape={nil} on_click={%JS{} |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-on-shape") |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-off-shape") } > nil </.toggle_button> <.toggle_button shape="circle" on_click={%JS{} |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-on-shape") |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-off-shape") } > circle </.toggle_button> <.toggle_button shape="pill" on_click={%JS{} |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-on-shape") |> JS.toggle(to: "#indicator-off-shape") } > pill </.toggle_button> <div id="indicator-on-shape" hidden>on</div> <div id="indicator-off-shape">off</div> </div>